Phyllis Levinson

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Are You So Out of Balance You're About to Fall Over?

Do you feel like you’re wearing one high heel and one sneaker, hobbling along, hoping for the best?

Hobbling is not a strategy.

Hope is not a plan.

You deserve to walk on firm ground without worrying about falling over.

There are times in life when being out of balance is unavoidable, e.g., illness, death, birth.

The “falling over” part happens when being out of balance becomes a sustained way of life. When you look up and realize the seasons have changed, your kids grew four inches, your spouse or partner has a whole new social life, your friends have stopped trying to arrange get-togethers, and your health has deteriorated.

Time to make changes.

You can live a more balanced life that allows you to still be you.

The only requirements are desire and bit of planning.

I teach entire workshops on life balance. Here are some tips:

  • Self-care. A high-quality life begins with a healthy you. Start with small steps. Get more sleep. Walk around the block at lunchtime. Practice a few minutes of mindfulness daily.

  • Values. Take inventory of your values – what’s most important to you - and create activities that combine them. Take an evening stroll with your partner (exercise, relationship). Start or join a book club (friends, learning). Volunteer in your community with your kids (spiritual, parenting).

  • Create. Do anything that taps into the rest of your brain. Color, sing, arrange flowers, scrapbook, doodle, dance, knit… There are SO many benefits to being creative, including lowering stress, having fun, and becoming a better problem solver.

You’re successful. You have choices.

You were meant to live a whole life.

Without falling over.

I’m here to help.