Phyllis Levinson

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Life Lesson from (Mrs.) Hamilton

One of the many highlights of the brilliant stage production of Hamilton is the prominent role of Alexander’s wife, Eliza.

Eliza accomplished a great deal, but it’s the one refrain she sings throughout the musical that has stuck with me. She sings, “Look around, look around at how lucky we are to be alive right now.”


It certainly wasn’t the easiest of times. The colonists were divided, the revolutionaries were fighting a war where they were, as George Washington sings, “outgunned, outmanned, outnumbered, outplanned,” and the future was uncertain, to say the least.


Yes. Once I checked my negativity, I was awed by Eliza’s optimism and gratitude.

She felt lucky to be part of a revolution to create this new ideal of democracy and freedom (for white people). Self-determination! Self-rule!

Eliza’s “glass half full” expression is a wonderful life lesson for the rest of us. Her life wasn’t perfect - because no life is - but she focused on the positive and what she could achieve.

Our country is going through a trying period right now and it’s often hard to be optimistic. But then I think of Eliza.

What makes you feel lucky to be alive right now?

Write down your top three answers. Post them where you can see them every day. You’ll be amazed how buoyed you’ll feel every time you read them.

“Look around, look around…”