


I'm in the business of helping people realize their dreams, get through tough times, and find the sense of personal and professional satisfaction we all desire.  The way through life is to take a deep breath, create and continuously update plans and strategies, and above all, be realistic.  Wishing is not a strategy.  Prayer, although comforting, is not a strategy.  An inspirational slogan, although motivating, is not a strategy.

Coaching, first and foremost, expands perspective.  Creative exploration is the order of the day.  New awareness leads to better decisions.  All of these coaching benefits are grounded in reality.

Too many so-called self-help "spiritual" experts rely on catchy phrases that feel good for a minute, but don't help anyone in the long term.  Here are a few of my least favorite fluffy sayings:

The meek shall inherit the earth.  Any student of history knows that nowhere on earth have the meek owned even a square foot of dirt.  This expression serves only to make the meek feel artificially appeased while assertive, powerful people maintain control.  The proof is that no one aspires to be meek.

Money can't buy happiness.  Money buys a great deal of happiness; it buys good health in the United States, access to good schools, and leisure time to chill, which lowers stress.  My son, Ethan, requires a $6,000 infusion every seven weeks in order to stay alive.  Money buys the health insurance that pays for (most of) this expense.  Ethan is alive because of money, and that makes me very, very happy.

It's God's plan.  Although I am a person of faith, I don't subscribe to the notion that bad things happen for a reason that we, mere mortals, cannot possibly know.  Some truly horrible things happen that a loving God would never condone, let alone cause.  The Holocaust, slavery, and genocide have been the plans and actions of humans, not God.  Random events, such as disease, accidents, and natural disasters, are bad luck, and not anyone's plan. (See "Luck," July 30, 2007)

Rather than remain meek, my clients learn to better advocate for themselves.  Money buys many of life's prerequisites to happiness.  Faith in God helps keep us optimistic and hopeful, which is wonderful, but only if it spurs us on to create realistic plans here on earth.

Clearly I don't subscribe to B.S., or Blatant Silliness.  Dream big, then bigger.  Create a plan and go full steam ahead.  Be hopeful, optimistic and wishful, but by all means, keep your feet on the ground.  No B.S. for you.



Oil and Slime

Oil and Slime