Phyllis Levinson

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Own Your Entitlement

“Own Your Entitlement” is where I often begin when talking to groups of women and is the first chapter in my free e-book SKYROCKET YOUR CAREER: 5 Changes Every Woman Can Make Today.

“Entitlement” is a tricky word that has gotten a bad rap. To avoid cringing at “entitlement,” put the word “earned” in front of it, although I think that is redundant. “Entitlement” means you have earned your place at the proverbial table to be seen, heard, respected, promoted and valued. You’ve worked hard and proven yourself.

I deliberately use the word “own” because “entitlement” isn’t an intellectual pursuit. “Own” means you feel it in your gut, it’s almost part of your DNA. You don’t have to even think about it – it just is.

It’s not always easy to own your entitlement. Too many forces have been in play since childhood that prevent many women from believing in their own deserved rewards. But it is oh so possible to learn.

If you already own your entitlement, yay you.

If you’re learning to own your entitlement, yay you.

If you want to learn to own your entitlement, I’m here to help.

The world needs your greatness.