Phyllis Levinson

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Lessons From My Unborn Granddaughter

On a recent phone call with my very pregnant daughter-in-law, she reported that her soon-to-be-born daughter was being super active.

My immediate response was, “Good for her! She [the baby] is assertive, active and busy! I’m so proud!”

I was only half joking.

Although my granddaughter will be born into a world that is lightyears ahead for girls and women than the one I was born into, and one my mother and immigrant grandmothers couldn’t have dreamed of, she will still have to contend with challenges that are unique to females in our society.

These challenges continue to exist in my life and in my clients’ lives. Although some are bigger than others, ranging from basic physical safety to the annoyingly patronizing business associate, they all require us to have or develop the same attributes: being assertive, active and busy.

Being assertive enables us to be great advocates for ourselves and what’s important to us.

Being active keeps our bodies and minds healthy.

Being busy doing what we love brings us joy and fulfillment.

This is what I want for my granddaughter.

This is what I want for my clients

This is what I want for all women. Everywhere.

Let me know how I can help.